The 2015 Annual Meeting on Cooperative Program for PhD of Agricultural Science Degree by GSCAAS and University of Liege, Belgium successfully held
From Sept.24 to Sept.26, the 2015 Annual Meeting on Cooperative Program for PhD of Agricultural Science Degree by the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GSCAAS) and University of Liege was held in Beijing. The meeting aimed to sum up the progress made in the program and lay down the work plan for 2016. The management committee members of the program, 37 leaders, supervisors and staff members responsible for postgraduate student management from 13 institutes and 29 PhD who have taken the program attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Vice President of GSCAAS Luo Changfu.

Mr. Han Huipeng, Executive Vice President of GSCAAS, delivering a speech
Executive Vice President and Chinese Chairman of the Program Management Committee Han Huipeng first delivered a welcoming speech, then he extended his congratulations to Professor Frederic Francis, Dean of the Faculty of Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech of the University of Liege and Belgian Chairman of the Program Management Committee, for his winning of the 2015 Chinese Government Friendship Award. Professor Frederic Francis said he was much honored to win the award and he looked forward to broader cooperation between the two sides. Attendees heard reports on the progress of the program in 2015, study proposal for PhDs in the program and the 2016 work plan. After full discussion, the work report and work plan were passed and both sides reached consensus on matters concerning student enrollment in 2016, the 2016 annual meeting, exchanges between students and supervisors and agreement renewal.

Vice President of GSCAAS Luo Changfu presiding over the meeting
Professor Frederic Francis also gave a lecture entitled “Diversity and opportunity for research collaboration with Liege university: from insect model examples to broader multidisciplinary approaches” to students and teachers of GSCAAS. Five Belgian representatives visited the Institute of Plant Protection, Biotechnology Research Institute and Institute of Animal Sciences and Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning respectively and conducted academic exchanges. The Belgian representatives also visited the test base of GSCAAS in Langfang.

Mr. Wang Xunqing, Director of Department of International Education, giving annual summary report on the program
The Cooperative Program for PhD of Agricultural Science Degree by GSCAAS and University of Liege, Belgium started in 2013 after the approval of the Ministry of Education (Instrument of Ratification No.MOE11BE1A20131371N). 58 PhDs have been enrolled over the past three years. The program, which goes smoothly, has played an important role in promoting the scientific and technological innovation of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the education internationalization of GSCAAS.

Professor Frederic Francis, Dean of the Faculty of Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech of the University of Liege and Belgian Chairman of the Program Management Committee, giving a lecture