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荷兰瓦赫宁根大学(Wageningen University, the Netherlands)始建于1876年,现有教职员工6500多人,在校生10000多人,包括来自100多个国家和地区的国际学生2500多人。经过100多年的发展,瓦赫宁根大学已成为全世界农业与生命科学最顶尖的研究型大学之一,其农业科学、生命科学、食品科学及环境科学等在全球享有极高的声誉。







1. 中国籍公民。

2. 拥护中国共产党的领导,遵纪守法,品行端正,身心健康。

3. 全日制本科和硕士毕业,已获得硕士学位,年龄不超过40周岁(1980年9月1日之后出生)。

4. 报考的领域与本人硕士研究生的领域相同或相近。

5. 具备攻读博士学位所需的英语听、说、读、写能力,且须符合瓦赫宁根大学对博士生英语能力的入学要求。


1. 植物科学(植物生物学、园艺学、作物学)

2. 动物科学(畜牧学、兽医学)

3. 自然资源与环境科学

4. 食品科学

5. 营养与健康

6. 农产品质量与食品安全

7. 农业工程技术

8. 农业经济管理




2. 本科和硕士学历、学位证书、课程成绩单的复印件。

3. 英语水平证明(两年内有效的雅思或托福成绩。雅思成绩,总分不低于6.5分,口语单项成绩不低于6.0分;或托福成绩,总分不低于90分,口语单项成绩不低于23分)。暂未取得上述证明者,须于2020年9月1号前补交;申请人获得教育部认可的国外正规高校颁发的硕士学位且授课语言为英语者,则无需提供上述证明。

4. 两名所报考学科专业领域正高级职称专家推荐信。

5. 硕士学位论文摘要(中、英文)。

6. 主要学术成果(发表的论文、获奖证明、专利等)。

7. 应届生需提交所在学校的在读证明;在职人员提交单位同意函,保证个人能够全脱产在校学习和开展科研实践;离职人员提交原单位出具的离职证明。

8. 身份证复印件。

9. 报名费(200元人民币)。

报名表和推荐信表格请从我院网站http://gs.caas.cn “招生信息”栏目下载(见附件)。








1. 提交项目建议书和经费安排证明等材料:项目建议书须由导师通过电子邮件发送给中荷双方项目联络人,截止日期为2020315有关具体要求,请参见如后英文项目指南。

2. 三方面试:中荷双方导师根据需要共同对申请人进行三方视频面试,综合考核评估申请人的教育经历、学术背景及科研潜力等基本情况,并将考核结果通过电子邮件通报项目中荷双方联络人。

3. 确定录取名单:根据中荷双方导师共同推荐的入围学生名单,中荷项目联合管理委员会研究确定录取名单。


中荷项目学制4年,采取“2.5+1.5”(即国内2.5年,国外1.5年)的培养模式和双导师制,由中荷双方导师共同指导。根据瓦赫宁根大学有关博士培养的规定和要求,项目学生入学12个月后,校方将对项目学生进行中期评估,并根据评估结果(Go/No Go)决定项目学生是否继续深造(评估结果为Go,则继续;评估结果为No Go,则学生须退出项目)。项目学生需在荷兰瓦赫宁根大学注册学籍。学生在国外学习时间为18个月,可分段进行,具体次数和时间由双方导师根据论文研究需要商定。




1. 中荷项目的合作双方对本项目博士研究生免收研究生培养费,但中国农科院研究生院比照全日制国家计划博士研究生收费标准收取在国内学习期间的学费。

2. 项目学生原则上享受在学期间(4年)的助研津贴(国内期间每月不低于3750元人民币;国外期间每月不低于1225欧元,以荷兰移民局当年规定为准),费用来源可为中方导师项目经费、CSC奖学金以及私营部门赞助等。导师支付项目学生赴国外学习或答辩的国际旅费(两次往返机票)。

3. 荷方课题组提供项目学生赴荷签证费、有关项目学生培训和教育活动的费用(约5000欧元)、并支付荷方导师至少一次来华(中方导师所在研究所)开展教学访问活动的相关费用。








荷方联系人:Dr. Claudius van de Vijver

电子邮箱: claudius.vandevijver@wur.nl


Call for collaborative PhD projects

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences - Wageningen University

Joint PhD Programme



Background Information

To strengthen the collaboration between Wageningen University (WU) and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), WU and the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GSCAAS) started a collaborative PhD programme. The programme, that runs from 2016 to 2020, provides an opportunity to set up joint research projects. It comprises a total of 100 PhD projects (approximately 20 projects per year). The programme involves a 4-year sandwich PhD where the PhD candidates perform the major part of their research at CAAS and spend at least 18 months in Wageningen, divided over two main periods: 6-8 months at the start of the project 8-12 months at the end of the 4 years but this can vary depending and the project and supervisor agreements.


Call for collaborative projects

Academic staff of WU and CAAS are invited to submit a joint project. Please note that:

  • PhD candidates cannot submit a proposal.
  • A cluster of PhD projects around specific theme is also possible. In this situation it is recommended that more than one WU chair group is involved.
  • When WU or CAAS scientists would want to collaborate but do not have a point of entry with the other institute then please contact the two programme coordinators:


Deadline for submission: 15 March 2020

 Please send your submission by 15 March 2020 to:

 The submission should include:

  • Title of the proposed project
  • A short proposal (max 500 words) of the intended research
  • Information of WU and CAAS scientists involved in the project including:
    • Name
    • Affiliation (CAAS Institute or WU Chair Group)
    • Email addresses of involved WU and CAAS scientists
  • A statement in which the joint intent of collaboration in this PhD project between a WU group and CAAS institute is described, including the financial arrangements and signed by both parties.
  • Optionally*: Name of the proposed PhD candidate and his/her CV when you have a candidate.

The CV must include information of the candidates proficiency in English.

  • Once the project has been accepted by CAAS-WU selection committee in May 2020 the candidate must accordingly apply to the programme at the Graduate School of CAAS (GSCAAS)
  • When no potential candidate is known you can still submit a proposal. In this situation please send an email to GSCAAS (zhangmingjun@caas.cn) with a highlight of the proposal (max 100 words). GSCAAS will include this highlight in a call for PhD applicants on their website. PhD Applicants will be asked to apply to the supervisors (with a cc to GSCAAS and WU coordinators, zhangmingjun@caas.cn and claudius.vandevijver@wur.nl resp.). Accordingly the supervisors select the preferred candidate and inform the GSCAAS and WU coordinators. Deadline for informing the coordinators is 1 June 2020.
  • In case that there has been no contact between CAAS and WU scientists it should be noted that initiation of the contact should not be done via the potential PhD candidate.

Conditions to participate in the Wageningen-CAAS PhD programme:

  1. The PhD candidate

For PhD candidates to be eligible they must meet the following criteria:

  1. Financial arrangements
  • The CAAS Institute will cover:
  • A basic allowance for living costs for the duration of the project, including the required living allowance of the PhD candidate in the time that (s)he is in Wageningen*
  • All local research expenses
  • Travel costs of candidates (2 return tickets)

*    According to Dutch Immigration law this allowance should at least be € 1225,-. Note that in the application it should formally be stated by the CAAS supervisor how this allowance will be paid.

  • The Wageningen University Chair Group will cover:
  • The standard WU tuition fee of a minimum of €1000 for each month the candidate spends in Wageningen
  • All local facilities required for the candidate at Wageningen University
  • The candidate’s visa costs
  • At least one trip of the Wageningen supervisor to China
  • € 5,000 for PhD training and education activities of which half is covered by the chair (Education back pack) and the other half by the Wageningen Graduate School which the candidate will be member of.