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  1. 为加强课程考试纪律,规范考务管理,培养留学生的优良学风,根据教育部的有关规定,结合本院实际情况,制订本规定。

In line with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, the regulations are formulated to strengthen guidelines for conduct of examinations and foster an academic climate of integrity and honesty.

  1. 考生必须携带本人学生证按照规定的时间和考场参加考试。缺课学时超过课程总学时1/3以上者,取消参加该门课程考试的资格。

Students should bring their student ID cards to attend the examination as scheduled. The student who misses more than 1/3 of a course’s total class hours is not eligible for the final examination.

  1. 考生除自带必需文具及教师指定考试用具外,严禁携带手机、笔记本电脑或其他电子设备参加考试。

Except for required materials for the examination, all mobile phonenotebook or other electric devices should not personally be taken during the exam.

  1. 考生参加闭卷考试,不得携带与考试有关的材料进入座位,草稿纸由监考人员发放,不得自带;考生参加开卷考试可携带教师允许的教材、参考书及课堂笔记等相关纸质材料,不得相互传递和交换材料。

Students are not allowed to bring materials containing information pertaining to the examination in a closed-book examination. Scrap paper will be given by the invigilator. In an open-book examination, books, notes and other materials containing information pertaining to the examination are allowed into the examination room, but students should not share them with each other.

  1. 考生进入考场后必须将禁止带入考试座位的物品集中放置在监考人员指定的位置,服从考试座位安排,将学生证置于本人座位桌面外侧,接受考试资格核查。对不服从安排的考生,监考人员有权取消其考试资格。

Students should leave unauthorized materials in places designated by the invigilator, and sit where they have been assigned. They also need to keep their student ID cards visible on the desk during the exam for the verification by the invigilator. Failure to comply with the rules could result in disqualification for the examination.

  1. 考试时间由监考人员根据规定的考试时间宣布。考生应提前10分钟进入指定考场。考试开始30分钟后,迟到考生不得进入考场,视同缺考。考试开始60分钟后,考生方可提前交卷。

The invigilator are responsible for announcing the start of the examination. Students must be present in the examination room 10 minutes earlier than starting time of the exam, and no student will be allowed to enter an examination room later than 30 minutes after it has started. Students may not leave the examination room during the first 60 minutes of the examination period.

  1. 考生应自觉保持安静,不准喧哗,不准吸烟,不得以任何理由干扰考场秩序。考生有问题须举手后向监考人员提出。未经监考人员准许不得借用他人文具。

Students should keep quiet during the exam. Smoking, making a noise or any other disturbance to the examination are forbidden. Students need to raise their hands if they have any questions, and are not allowed to borrow materials from others without the approval of the invigilator.

  1. 严禁考生以任何理由左顾右盼、交头接耳。严禁夹带、传递、偷看、抄袭、交换试卷、替考和利用电子设备作弊等任何形式的作弊行为,对替考、代答、传递资料等为他人提供作弊条件者,双方皆视为考试作弊。

Talk or any other form of communication between students is forbidden. Students should not cheat in any form, including carrying unauthorized materials, plagiarizing papers and using electronic devices. Those who help others cheat during the exam are seen as cheaters as well.

  1. 课程论文考试必须由考生独立完成。论文内容整段文字如与其他文献雷同300字以上视为抄袭,课程成绩以零分计。

Students should write course papers independently. It constitutes plagiarism when more than 300 characters /words in the paper are found identical with other papers, and in this case, the student receives 0 grade for the course.

  1. 考生在考试过程中不得中途离开考场。如有特殊原因,必须举手示意,经监考人员准许后单人放行。未经批准中途擅自离开考场者,视为提前交卷,考生不得继续参加考试。

Students may not leave the examination room during the exam. If there are any emergencies, students must raise their hands to ask for the permission from the invigilator. Those who leave the examination room without approval are not allowed to continue the examination.

  1. 监考人员宣布考试结束,考生必须立即停止答题,将试卷、答题纸(或答卷)一并放于桌面,经监考人员核收后方可离开考场。试卷、答题纸(或答卷)和发放的草稿纸不得带出考场。答题纸不得缺损。考生交卷后应立即离开考场,严禁在考场内外逗留、喧哗。

Once the invigilator announces the end of the examination period, students should immediately stop writing, and are required to put all examination materials, including answer sheets, exam papers and scrap papers on the desk. After the invigilator collects and checks the materials, students may leave soon and are not allowed to linger in the examination room.

  1. 对违反考试纪律者,视其违纪情节给予批评教育、取消考试成绩和相应纪律处分,构成考试作弊者考试成绩以零分计,并视情节轻重,给予警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看直至开除学籍处分。监考人员应认真做好课程考试和考生违纪情况记录。

Any breach of these regulations is subject to punishment, including admonishment and cancellation of examination results. Students who cheat in the examination receive 0 grade, and additional punishment will be followed depending on the seriousness, the punishments include warning, serious warning, demerit, probation and even expulsion.

  1. 本规定自201891日起施行,由研究生院国际教育处负责解释。

The Regulations took effect on September 1st, 2018 and the International Education Office is responsible for its interpretation.