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高水平论文 No.29 | 棉花所李付广研究员团队系统阐述大数据时代的棉花生物学研究

近日,中国农业科学院研究生院巴基斯坦籍留学生Ghulam Qanmber在棉花研究所李付广研究员指导下,于植物学领域TOP5(排名第二)期刊《植物科学趋势(Trends in Plant Science, IF=14.006)》发表题为“Gossypium Genomics: Trends, Scope, and Utilization for Cotton Improvement”的综述文章,棉花所杨作仁副研究员和留学生Ghulam Qanmber为本文的共同第一作者,李付广研究员为通讯作者。该文章系统总结了棉花基因组学研究进展,详细讨论了大数据时代棉花的研究方向和育种策略,为棉花生物学未来的科学研究提供了重要思路和线索。


Recently, a GSCAAS PhD student Ghulam Qanmber under the guidance of Professor Fuguang Li at Institute of Cotton Research, CAAS, Anyang, published a review paper entitled “Gossypium Genomics: Trends, Scope, and Utilization for Cotton Improvement” in Trends in Plant Science (IF=14.006, historical high), a TOP5 journal. Dr. Zuoren Yang and Ghulam Qanmber are the co-first authors, and Professor Fuguang Li is the corresponding authors of this paper. The latest advance in cotton genomics were systematically reviewed, and the future perspective of cotton research and breeding strategy in the era of big data were discussed, which provide important clues for scientific research for the future cotton biology.




Cotton is the world's most important fiber crop and a major source of seed oil, and also provide a unique system for single cell development and plant polyploidy. In recent years, with the gradually improvement of cotton genome, the cotton post-genome research have become an important topic. This review systematically summarized the research process of cotton genome: from diploid to tetraploid, from draft to reference grade genome, from single genome to multiple genomes.  In this paper, the advance in functional genomics were elaborated such as map-based cloning and genome wide association analysis based on cotton genome. The reasons for the improvement of yield and quality of cultivated cotton were analyzed from the perspective of population genetics. A model for genetic breakdown of interspecific hybrids between G. hirsutum and G. barbadense and a comprehensive strategy of applying cotton genomics research results to genetic improvement of yield, quality and resistance of cotton were provided. the challenges faced by cotton research in the era of big data and research strategies were also discussed. This review is of great value for understanding the research trend of cotton genomics and cotton genetic improvement, and for guiding the scientific research in the post-genome era of cotton.

Figure 1. A/B,The Molecular Mechanism of Cotton Fiber Elongation. C, A Model for Genetic Breakdown of Interspecific Hybrids between G. hirsutum and G. barbadense



Ghulam Qanmber,2015级中国政府奖学金博士生,来自巴基斯坦,毕业于我院作物遗传育种专业,指导老师为中棉所李付广研究员(国际欧亚科学院院士)。Ghulam Qanmber博士在读期间学习了大量分子生物学和基因工程相关理论知识,掌握了包生物信息学和转基因棉花育种在内的相关实验技能。博士期间以第一作者或者共同作者发表论文13篇,其中以第一作者发表论文在Trends in Plant Science (14.0)、Journal of Experimental Botany (IF=5.33)、International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF=4.18)、 Genes (IF=3.33)和Journal of Cotton Research,一作SCI论文累计影响因子26.846;以共同作者发表论文在 BMC plant Biology 、Science China-Life Sciences, Frontiers in Plant Science、Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture、International Journal of Agriculture and Biology。目前Ghulam为棉花所的一名博士后,继续从事棉花品种分子设计应用研究工作。


Ghulam Qanmber is from Pakistan and he is the student of Institute of Cotton Research (ICR), Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (GSCAAS). His major is Crop Genetics and Breeding and he learned plenty of molecular biology, genetic engineering, bioinformatics and breeding techniques under the supervision of Prof. Fuguang Li (IEAS Academician). Ghulam Qanmber has a total of 13 publications. He has published a number of principle author and co-authored articles in Scientific Citation Index (SCI) Journals such as Trends in Plant Science (14.0), Journal of Experimental Botany (IF=5.33), International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF=4.18), Genes (IF=3.33), BMC plant Biology (IF=3.93), Science China-Life Sciences (IF=3.58), Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.10), Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture (IF=2.00), International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (IF=0.80), and Journal of Cotton Research, with a total IF of 26.846 of all the first author publications. Currently Dr. Ghulam Qanmber is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute of Cotton Research, CAAS.