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高水平论文 No.40 | 资划所毕于运研究员团队解析加纳北部地区农作物秸秆农户利用现状及秸秆焚烧的影响

近日,中国农业科学院研究生院加纳籍留学生Patience Afi Seglah在中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所毕于运研究员指导下,在中科院JCR环境科学与生态学1区Top期刊《清洁生产杂志》(Journal of Cleaner Production, IF=6.395)杂志在线发表了题为“Crop straw utilization and field burning in Northern region of Ghana”的原创性文章。Patience 同学为本文第一作者,资划所王亚静副研究员为本文通讯作者,资划所毕于运研究员,中国农科院信息研究所王红彦博士,资划所在读硕士研究生周珂、王莹、王环、冯新新为本文共同作者。研究结果表明,加纳北部地区农作物秸秆利用情况不容乐观,秸秆焚烧现象较为普遍。鉴于秸秆利用具有诸多益处,未来加纳政府应制定相关政策鼓励农户积极开展农作物秸秆利用。该文章拟申请2019-2020学年中国农业科学院研究生院“高水平论文奖”。


Recently, a GSCAAS Master student Patience Afi Seglah under the guidance of Professor Yuyun Bi at Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, CAAS, Beijing, published an on-line research article entitled “Crop straw utilization and field burning in Northern region of Ghana” in the Journal of Cleaner Production(CAS-Q1 Top journal, IF=6.395). Professor Yajing Wang is the corresponding author of this paper, Professor Yuyun Bi, Dr. Hongyan Wang, Ke Zhou, Ying Wang, Huan Wang and Xinxin Feng are the co-authors.This article is eligible to apply for “GSCAAS Outstanding Research Paper Award”. The findings indicated utilization of crop straw in the Northern region of Ghana is poorly practiced. Hence, crop straw utilization needs to be encouraged by Government of Ghana because of its associated benefits.




Crop and livestock productions dominate Ghana’s agricultural system. The Northern region is one of the top five regions in Ghana which produces cereals and legumes in high quantities. Some of the major cereals and legumes cultivated in Ghana are maize, rice, millet, sorghum, cowpea, groundnut and soybeans. Utilization of straw is important for Ghana’s development. Crops straws are important resources with economic and environmental consequences. However, extensive field burning of crops straw is hampering the effective utilization of straw resources in the Northern region of Ghana.


Crop straw utilization methods of the study area



The study was conducted to know the collective utilization methods of crop straw and field burning in the Northern region of Ghana. This research provides relevant information on how farmers’ utilize their straws and identified the proportion of households who practice it as well as ascertain the state of straw field burning. The study also predicted the future occurrence of field burning of straw and suggested appropriate government interventions needed to curtail it to ensure effective utilization of straw. The aim of the research was to identify rural households' crops straw utilization methods and investigated the occurrence as well as effects of crops straw burning.


Field burning of crop straw base on field survey



From the findings, total crop yield for major cereals and legumes produced in Ghana was 1.29 kton with a total crop straw yield of 3.05 kton. Cereals straw contributed the highest yield percentage of 56.4% while legume straw contribution was 43.6%. About 1.23kton (40.3%) of straws from major cereals and legumes were utilized for different purposes such as returning to the field to enrich the soil, fodder for livestock, cooking fuel, sale and other traditional purposes. The remaining 1.82kton (59.7%) of crop straws were burnt on the field. The percentages of straw burnt on the field for each crop were 77.6% for maize, 58.6% for sorghum, 56.5% groundnut, 49.7% for millet, 47.4% cowpea, 42.2% for rice and 41.4% for soybean. Farming and farm size are the key influencing factors that affect straw burning. Open field burning of straws caused a decline in yield for about 65.7% of respondents. Base on the inefficient utilization of straw resources and constant field burning, we recommend strategies the Government of Ghana can adapt to encourage effective utilization of straw and prohibit field burning of straws.

说明: https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/7IZtDRcspDAaeEtTibcjJFZ5hBt38A6emYBFojQSDHUUb6PSzoiboEwXFdujpiaCTwHZibibAUEhvExBcLePGKkpLsg/640?wx_fmt=png&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1

Data source: FAOSTAT, 2018

Fig. 1. Trend of burning maize and rice straws in Ghana from 1961-2017.


Fig. 2. Map of the Study Area.

说明: https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/7IZtDRcspDAaeEtTibcjJFZ5hBt38A6emAT5Om2TDxo0jwfAXob61GPBsCJfsOmj7NaytlbLyxicYPhGFIGca7fw/640?wx_fmt=png&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1

Fig.3. Crop straw yield for major cereals and legumes (kton).

说明: https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/7IZtDRcspDAaeEtTibcjJFZ5hBt38A6emibPqx1tvbVPTuUQjgJCDLMZHffWEZLW8mtd6pW4uKwcEwkHJv070WuA/640?wx_fmt=png&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1

Fig. 4. State of field burning of crop straw.

该文的第一作者Patience Afi Seglah是我院加纳籍区域发展专业在读硕士生,2017年加入资划所毕于运研究员农业废弃物资源利用与管理研究团队,以第一作者发表学术论文2篇,Journal of Cleaner production (IF=6.395)、Sustainability (IF=2.592)。


The first author Patience Afi Seglah from Ghana is a Master candidate in the discipline of Regional Development at Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, CAAS, Beijing. She joined the Agricultural Resource Management and Utilization of Professor Yuyun Bi at IARRP-CAAS as a fully funded scholarship by China Scholarship Council in September 2017. She has two publications as the first author in international journals, such as Journal of Cleaner production (IF=6.395) and Sustainability (IF=2.592).


Agricultural Resource Management and Utilization group of Prof. Yuyun Bi in IARRP, CAAS