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  1. 为加强留学生课程管理,提高教学培养质量,根据教育部有关规定及我院留学生培养方案,制定本规定。

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the academic training plans of international students in GSCAAS, the provisional regulations are formulated to strengthen the curriculum management and to increase the training quality of international education.

  1. 课程设置/Curriculum Design 
  1. 课程设置应遵循教育部有关指导原则,体现中国农业科学院的学科发展需求,符合留学生教育的规律和特点,全面提高留学生综合素质。

Curriculum design should be in line with the regulations of the Ministry of Education, reflect the needs of CAAS discipline development, comply with the rule and characteristics of international education, and thus ensure the all-round development of international students.

  1. 课程设置体现系统性、层次性、前沿性和创新性,适应各学科留学生课程学习的要求。

Curriculum design should be systematic, comprehensive, advanced, and innovative, and meet the needs of the international students under different academic programs.

  1. 留学生课程分为学位课(必修课)和选修课两类,其中学位课程由公共学位课、专业学位课组成。

Curriculum consists of Compulsory and Optional Courses. Compulsory courses include Public Compulsory Courses and Professional Compulsory Courses

  1. 学分学时/Credits and Class Hours
  1. 留学生课程学习实行学分制。博士生课程总学分不低于20学分;硕士生课程总学分不低于28学分。

The coursework is subjected to academic credit system. The minimum load for Ph.D. student is 20 credits, and 28 credits for Master students.

  1. 留学生课程学分一般按课堂讲授每16-18学时计1学分,讨论课每20学时计1学分,实验实习课每36学时计1学分。

One credit is generally equivalent to 16-18 class hours for classroom instruction, 20 class hours for seminar courses, and 36 class hours for experimental /practice courses.

  1. 课程学习/Course Registration
  1. 留学生应按照培养方案要求,在导师指导下根据知识结构和专业需要提出课程学习计划,并结合开课目录进行选课。留学生应合理安排选课,每学期选学的课程一般不超过20学分。留学生必须在中期考核前修完培养方案所规定的课程和学分。

International students should make Course Study Plan in light of their training programs and under the guidance of their Supervisor. The should rationally register for courses with no more than 20 credits each semester, and complete all the courses and credits as required by the academic training program prior to the mid-term assessment.

  1. 留学生课程实行按学期网上选课。留学生必须在第一周内选定课程,开课两次后不允许改、退选。凡有可选择的学位课,应按培养方案规定的课程门数选定学位课。原则上学位课5人以上、选修课10人以上方可开课。

Courses are registered online in respective semester. The student should register for courses within the first week of each semester, and are not allowed to change registration or drop courses after the second class of the courses. In principle, Compulsory courses are available with more than five registered students and Optional courses with more than 10 registered students.

  1. 留学生在同一上课时间内只允许选一门课程(免修除外),选一门以上者所选课程均不记成绩。

Students can only register for one course in one specific class time, otherwise may receive no credits for all the registered courses in the same class time, except for the course when the student are exempted from class attendance.

  1. 根据培养方案要求必须学习而本院又没有开设的课程,或因特殊情况需要跨校选修的课程,由留学生本人提出书面申请,经指导教师同意、国际教育处批准,可到其他院校修读。学习结束后,留学生须将加盖选课学校留学生教务管理部门公章的成绩单和课程考试试卷(复印件、加盖公章)送交国际教育处,经审核合格后方可登录成绩和学分。

A student should present a written application if he/she intends to study a course that is not offered at GSCAAS and therefore have to study outside campus. The application must be approved by the supervisor and the International Education Office. Upon completion of the course, the student should submit the transcript and a copy of the examination sheets, all of which come with the official seal of department responsible for graduate education affairs in the host universities, to the International Education Office for the recognition of grades and credits.

  1. 博士生专业课、学科综合考试、专业Seminar、经典文献阅读,硕士生专业Seminar、专业外语,专题报告以及其他部分专业课程,回所后由研究所或导师组织开设。回所后的课程材料由研究所按要求审查合格后寄送国际教育处,经审核合格后登录成绩和学分。

The host-institutes or supervisor of international students are responsible for offering Professional Compulsory Courses, Comprehensive Examinations, Professional seminars and Classical Literature Survey for Ph.D. students; seminars and Special Chinese courses for master’s students; and other Compulsory Courses. At the same time, course materials should be sent by the host-institutes to the International Education Office for the recognition and documentation of grades and credits.

  1. 课程考核/Examinations
  1. 留学生必须按时参加所选课程的学习,自觉遵守课堂纪律。因故不能上课者应于课前提交请假条至国际教育处或相应的教学主管部门(已批准免修者除外)。未经批准不上课者以旷课记,缺课学时超过课程总学时三分之一以上者取消该课程考试资格,成绩以“0”分记,备注缺考

The student should attend the registered class time and obey the class disciplines. If a student (except those exempted from the course) could not attend one or more classes in special case, he/she should present a written leave request letter to the International Education Office or other relevant departments. Failure to comply with the requirements constitutes absent. If a student absent more than one third of the total class hours for a course, he/she is not qualified for the final examination and are marked “0” and “Absent” on the transcript.

  1. 留学生必须按照规定的时间和地点参加考试。无故不参加考试者,该课程成绩以“0”分记,备注缺考。未经选课而参加考试者,不记录成绩和学分。

The students should take part in the examinations of registered courses as scheduled. Failure to comply with these schedules will lead to “0” and “Absent” on the transcript. Students will not be graded or gain credits when they take part in examinations of courses that they have not registered for.

  1. 考试方式采用笔试(开卷、闭卷)、课程论文或课堂报告等形式,具体要求按照《关于留学生课程考试纪律的暂行规定》执行。考试方式原则上按照教学大纲执行。

Examinations range from written examinations, course papers and in-class presentations, and are subject to <Provisional Regulations on Examinations for the International Students>. Specific forms of examination should be in line with the syllabus. 

  1. 成绩管理/ Grades
  1. 课程成绩为百分制,以60分为及格。平时成绩(含考勤)一般占课程成绩的10%-30%。成绩及格方可获得学分。

Centesimal system (Hundred-Marks System) is adopted, of which 60 is the pass point. The performance of students in class, including attendance, account for 10% - 30% of the total grade. Passing marks are mandatory for earning credits.

  1. 课程成绩登记表经主讲教师签字后由国际教育处负责审核和登录。

The International Education Office is responsible for reviewing and inputting grades, upon the receipt of the Grade Record Form signed by the course instructor.

  1. 留学生如对课程成绩有异议,可于成绩发布后20天内,向国际教育处提出复查成绩申请,由国际教育处负责复查。

If a student has any doubt about the final grade of registered course, he/she could apply for review and verification of the grade to International Education Office within 20 days of the result being available.

  1. 留学生必须按规定参加所学课程网上教学质量评估,教学评估完成后方可查看课程成绩和打印成绩单。

The international students should participate in online assessment of the course instructor’s performance, or they may not access to or print their transcripts.

  1. 免修、缓考与重修/Course Exemptions, Delayed Examinations and Repeating Courses
  1. 留学生申请免修课程(不包括中国概况课、专题课、实验课及开卷考试课程),需在开课第一周内递交申请,经导师同意、国际教育处批准后可予免修,但必须随班参加考试,成绩及格方可获得学分;中文授课的留学生已获得汉语水平考试(HSK)五级及以上,或英文授课的留学生已获得汉语水平考试(HSK)三级及以上,经批准可免修汉语课程。

To be granted an exemption from courses the international students should present their application within the first week after class opening, with the approval of the supervisor and the International Education Office. They need to attend and pass the examination to get credits. With approval of the graduate school, the students who are instructed in Chinese shall be exempted from Chinese Courses when he/she has reached Level 5 and above in Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK); the students who are instructed in English shall be exempted from Chinese Courses when he/she has reached HSK Level 3 and above.

  1. 因故不能参加考试者,应在考试之前填写《课程缓考申请表》(因病要附医院诊断书),向国际教育处提出缓考申请。

The students who intend to be absent in an examination due to illness or other special reasons, should submit a written application with medical evidence or relevant supporting materials, to International Education Office in advance.

  1. 留学生课程考试不及格或缺考者,允许重修。重修课程须按照规定重新选课、上课,重修成绩及格方可取代上次成绩,备注重修

The students are allowed to retake a course in which they fail to take or pass the examination. They still need to register for the course, and passes the examination to replace the previous grade. Repeating course will be marked on the transcript.

  1. 研究所留学生课程管理由所在研究所参照本办法执行。

The host research institutes are responsible for the specific regulation of courses in accordance with the regulations.

  1. 本规定自201891日开始施行,由研究生院国际教育处负责解释。

The Regulations took effect on September 1st, 2018, and the International Education Office is responsible for its interpretation.