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近日,在中国水稻研究所稻作生态课题组金千瑜研究员的指导下,中国农业科学院研究生院巴基斯坦籍博士Sajid Hussain在中科院JCR生物2区Top期刊《国际分子科学杂志》(International Journal of Molecular Sciences, IF=4.183)发表了一篇题为“iTRAQ-based protein profiling and biochemical analysis of two contrasting rice genotypes revealed their differential responses to salt stress”的研究性文章。本研究采用基于iTRAQ的定量蛋白质组学技术,对两种耐盐性差异较大的水稻基因型进行了差异表达蛋白的鉴定,有助于更好地了解水稻的抗盐胁迫机制。


Recently, a GSCAAS PhD student Sajid Hussain under the supervision of Professor Jin Qianyu at the China National Rice Research Institute, CAAS, Hangzhou, published an article entitled “iTRAQ-based protein profiling and biochemical analysis of two contrasting rice genotypes revealed their differential responses to salt stress” in International Journal of Molecular Sciences(CAS-Q2 Top Journal, IF=4.183). In the present study, the iTRAQ-based proteomic technique has been used to identify the differentially expressive proteins in two rice genotypes of contrasting salt tolerance levels. The current work will help us to get better insights on the salt stress resistance mechanisms in rice.




Salinity is one of the major abiotic stresses causing huge crop losses in rice. Rice is highly sensitive to salt stress; however, the range of sensitivity varies with rice ecotypes, genotypes, and growth stages. Salinity affects the rice physiology and growth by causing osmotic stress, nutrients imbalance, ionic toxicity, oxidative damage, alteration of metabolic processes, and even leads to plant death. Alteration in the physiological and biochemical processes leads to changes in the protein pool in plants. However, studies on quantitative proteomics of rice in response to salt stress is scarce. In this study, an iTRAQ-based protein profiling has been carried out to investigate the salinity-responsive proteins and related biochemical features in two contrasting rice genotypes at the maximum tillering stage.




The numbers of differentially expressed proteins are increased with the increasing of salt stress levels. DEPs associated with salt stress responses, including Glutathione peroxidase (gi|125540587), Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase (gi|218196772), Pyruvate dehydrogenase (gi|125564321), and Triosephosphate isomerase (gi|125528336) were found to be significantly upregulated in the salt tolerant rice genotype, but down regulated in the susceptible rice genotype. The physiological processes, including carbohydrate metabolism, redox reactions, and photosynthesis had significant contributions towards the salt tolerance in rice. Among these physiological processes, proteins related to carbohydrate metabolism and osmotic stress (such as sucrose synthase (gi|125544232) and NADH dehydrogenase (gi|115473055)) had higher over-expression in salt tolerant genotype than susceptible rice genotype. This study suggested that the protein pool in response to salt stress is different between salt tolerant and susceptible rice genotypes. And further works deciphering the functions of some particular proteins of interest will add new insights on their roles in salt tolerance in rice.


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This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFD0200801), and the Natural Science Foundation of China (31872857, 31771733).


Figure 1. Identification of the differential expressive proteins (DEPs). A) DEPs in LYP9 (Salt-tolerant) under various salt stress levels as compared with the control plants. B) DEPs in NPBA (Salt-susceptible) under various salt stress levels as compared with the control plants. CK: control, LS: low salt, MS: medium salt, HS: high salt. 

Figure 2. GO and COG analysis of the differentially responsive proteins in response to salt stress. A) The distribution of number of differentially responsive proteins alongside their corresponding GO terms. Different colors represent different GO categories. B) The distribution of number of differentially responsive proteins alongside their different functions as annotated by COG analysis. 

Figure 3. Top 10 pathway enrichments of the identified DEPs in LYP9 (Salt-tolerant) and NPBA (Salt-susceptible) by KEGG analysis. The corresponding pathways are listed on the Y-axis and the Rich factor values are mentioned along X-axis. Different sized dots represent the distribution of DEPs for a corresponding pathway, whereas, their color represents the P value.   

Figure 4. The major pathway annotations of the identified DEPs in LYP9 (Salt-tolerant) and NPBA (Salt-susceptible). A) Different pathways and their annotated DEP percentages in NPBA. B) Different pathways and their annotated DEP percentages in LYP9. 




Sajid Hussain,巴基斯坦人,我院作物栽培学与耕作学专业博士。2015年9月,他在中国政府奖学金资助下,进入中国水稻研究所、水稻生物学国家重点实验室金千瑜研究员团队进行博士学习,毕业后留所继续从事博士后研究。在水稻所学习和工作期间,Sajid以第一作者发表SCI论文共7篇:Plant Physiology and Biochemistry(CAS-Q2, IF=3.404) 1篇、Journal of Plant Growth Regulation (IF=2.179) 1篇、Frontiers in Plant Science (CAS-Q2, IF=4.106) 1篇、International Journal of Molecular Sciences (CAS-Q2, IF=4.183) 1篇、Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research (IF=0.99) 1篇、Journal of Integrative Agriculture (IF=1.337) 1篇、Plant Growth Regulation (IF=2.473) 1篇,累积影响因子18.67。除此之外,他还以共同作者在SCI期刊上发表文章多篇。


Dr. Sajid Hussain from Pakistan is a GSCAAS Alumini (2015Y901000220) in the discipline of Crop Cultivation and Farming System at China National Rice Research Institute, CAAS, Hangzhou. He joined the stat key laboratory of rice biology group of Professor Dr. Qianyu Jin with a fully-funded scholarship in September 2015. He has published seven research and review articles as first author in well-reputed SCI Journals, such as Plant Physiology and Biochemistry(CAS-Q2, IF=3.404), Journal of Plant Growth Regulation (IF=2.179), Frontiers in Plant Science(CAS-Q2, IF=4.106), International Journal of Molecular Sciences ((CAS-Q2, IF=4.183), Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research (IF=0.99), Journal of Integrative Agriculture (IF=1.37), Plant Growth Regulation (IF=2.473) with a total impact factor of 18.67. Along with these, he has many research and review articles as coauthor in well reputed SCI journals.




Dr.Sajid Hussain’s publication list



Dr.Zhang Junhua



China National Rice Research Institute 
