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高水平论文No.53 | 兰兽研殷宏研究员团队阐明环形泰勒虫转化对牛B淋巴细胞细胞因子的产生及树突状细胞抗原吞噬、递呈能力的影响

近日,我院巴基斯坦籍留学生Muhammad Rashid在中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所殷宏研究员的指导下,于中科院JCR医学大类2区期刊《蜱与蜱传疾病》Ticks and Tick-borne Disease (IF=3.055)发表第一作者文章。殷宏研究员团队成功建立了环形泰勒虫转化的牛B淋巴细胞系并对其细胞因子产生的变化进行了研究。该细胞系将有助于环形泰勒虫致弱虫株疫苗的研发,用于环形泰勒虫病的预防。基于该系列研究,Rashid同学还在Genes(IF=3.331)和Parasitology(IF=2.456)另外发表了两篇第一作者文章。

Recently, the research team of Prof Yin Hong, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, established a Theileria annulata (T. annulata) transformed B cell line and found out the change of cytokines production of B cells after transformation. This cell line might be further processed for attenuation for vaccine production against theileriosis. The research findings were published in the international journals of “Genes” (IF=3.331), “Tick and Tick-borne Diseases” (CAS-Q2, IF=3.055) and “Parasitology” (IF=2.456).


During summer, tick infestation in the country side was main hurdle for livestock productivity with respect to decrease milk production and weight loss. The economic importance of tick-borne diseases are due to morbidity and mortality. The already established T. annulata-transformed cell line was originated from a mixture of mononuclear cells. This attenuated mononuclear cell line was not so efficient. Hence, a single cell line originated from immune cells (B cells) was established. The cytokines production of this cell line was quantified by qPCR.

说明: https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/7IZtDRcspDDZJiaMFyuEQvbKTHXfo5SfQRDGKAwRj3Sa4NyayP6qb4N4oDcTI9x2cKtpkdvFlGh5ODd8EKP2XIw/640?wx_fmt=png&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1


实验证明,转化的DC细胞可通过MHC I 和MHC II 分子传递给CD4+ 和CD8+ T细胞。并通过细胞流式技术对共培养后两种T细胞的增殖率的变化进行了检测。此外,通过定量PCR方法对GTPase基因的转录水平进行了检测分析,该基因在抗原递呈过程中发挥重要作用。

This intake antigen was presented via MHC class (I and II) molecules to co-cultured (CD4+ and CD8+) cells. The proliferation rate was measured by flow cytometry. The expression of small GTPase (Rab family genes) were quantified by qPCR which has important role for antigen cross-presentation.

原文链接Original links:

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2019.101365 Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases

https://doi.org/10.3390/genes10050329 Genes

https://doi.org/10.1017/S0031182019001227 Parasitology



    This study was financially supported by the 973 Program (No. 2015CB150300); NSFC (No. 31402189); ASTIP (CAAS-ASTIP-2016-LVRI); NBCIS (CARS-37); Jiangsu Co-innovation Center programme for Prevention and Control of Important Animal Infectious Disease and Zoonosis, China.


Muhammad Rashid,巴基斯坦人,为我院2016级秋季学期预防兽医学专业博士研究生。2016年9月,在中国政府奖学金的资助下,加入我院兰州兽医研究所外寄生虫与虫媒疫病团队。该生博士期间以第一作者共发表了4篇SCI论文,如Genes(IF=3.331)、Parasitology(IF=2.456)、Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases(CAS-Q2, IF=3.055)和Poultry Science(CAS-Q2 Top, IF=2.216),累计影响因子11.058。

Dr. Muhammad Rashid was a Pakistani scholar graduated from Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(GSCAAS), who completed PhD in Preventive Veterinary Science (Sep, 2016-July, 2019) from the Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, CAAS, Beijing, China. He published his research findings in 4 well reputed SCI journals, such as Genes(IF=3.331), Parasitology (IF=2.456), Tick and Tick borne Diseases (CAS-Q2, IF=3.055) and Poultry Science (CAS-Q2 Top, IF=2.216) with a total Impact Factor of 11.058.

Dr. Muhammad Rashid’s publication list



Prof. Hong Yin’s publication list 



Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (LVRI, CAAS)
