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高水平论文 No.50 | 加工所张春晖研究员团队创建基于超声辅助法从鸡胸软骨中提取胃蛋白酶可溶性Ⅱ型胶原蛋白新技术

近日,中国农业科学院研究生院巴基斯坦籍留学生Ayesha Noreen Akram在中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所张春晖研究员的指导下,在中科院JCR化学1区Top期刊《超声波化学》(Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, IF=7.279)杂志在线发表了题为 “利用胃蛋白酶结合超声处理方法从鸡胸软骨中提取Ⅱ型胶原蛋白”的原创性文章。Ayesha为本文第一作者,张春晖研究员为通讯作者。骨胶原蛋白在食品、医药、化妆品等行业应用广泛,传统提取方法效率低、耗时长、污染重。张春晖团队基于水-热绿色提取结合超声波辅助技术从鸡胸软骨中抽提Ⅱ型骨胶原蛋白,解析了超声处理对Ⅱ型胶原蛋白产率、理化性质和功能性质的影响。该技术为畜禽骨胶原蛋白的绿色高效制备提供新的技术手段。


Recently, a GSCAAS PhD student Ayesha Noreen Akram under the guidance of Professor Chunhui Zhang at Institute of Food science and technology, CAAS, Beijing, published an on-line research article entitled “Extraction of collagen-II with pepsin and ultrasound treatment from chicken sternal cartilage; physicochemical and functional properties” in the CAS-Q1 Top journal “Ultrasonics Sonochemistry”(IF=7.279). Ayesha is the first author of this paper, and Prof. Chunhui Zhang is the corresponding author.


本文提出了一种简便、绿色的方法提取胃蛋白酶可溶性Ⅱ型胶原蛋白,采用超声处理可显著提高鸡胸骨软骨(CSC)的提取率。前处理过程对生鲜鸡胸骨软骨的主要组成成分有显著影响。未经超声处理的胃蛋白酶可溶性Ⅱ型胶原蛋白的产量为1.73g(UPSCII0; 1.73 g),经过超声处理36min后其产量可达最大值3.37 g(UPSCII36; 1.73 g)。超声处理后的胶原蛋白氨基酸种类显著增加,热稳定性显著升高。随着超声时间的延长,胃蛋白酶可溶性Ⅱ型胶原蛋白的二级结构发生部分改变,超声处理后的胶原蛋白有许多特殊的加工特性,例如吸水性、吸油性、持水性、发泡和乳化性等。禽肉加工过程中的副产物—鸡胸软骨有望成为陆地动物Ⅱ型胶原蛋白的主要来源。利用超声波辅助法提取Ⅱ型胃蛋白酶可溶性胶原蛋白是一种理想的替代方法,在工业生产中的应用有望得到推广。


A simple and green approach was developed to extract the pepsin soluble collagen-II using the ultra-sonication treatment that significantly increased the extracted yield from chicken sternal cartilage (CSC). The pretreatment of raw CSC had positive effects on proximate composition. The maximum yield of pepsin soluble collagen was obtained by ultrasound treatment time 36 minutes (UPSCII36; 3.37 g) as compared to non-ultrasound treated pepsin soluble collagen at zero minutes (UPSCII0; 1.73 g) (control). The amino acid profile, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of UPSC were significantly (p< 0.05) improved by the application of ultrasound. The results showed the secondary structure of ultrasound treated PSC-II was partially altered as the ultra-sonication time prolonged. Moreover, ultrasound-treated collagen had superior functional properties such as water, oil absorption capacity, water holding capacity, foaming and emulsifying properties than non-ultrasound treated collagen. The poultry by-products CSC would be a potential source of land animal collagen-II. The utilization of ultrasound for the extraction of pepsin soluble collagen-II is a good alternative technology to expand the application of collagen at industrial level.


Figure shows the flow sheet of extraction method for non-ultrasound-treated and ultrasound-treated pepsin soluble collagen-II from chicken sternal cartilage (CSC)




The PSC-II extraction was performed efficiently using the ultrasound treatment time from poultry by-product chicken sternal cartilage (CSC). As the ultrasound treatment time increased, the yield of PSC-II increased significantly (p< 0.05) and the highest yield was obtained at 36 min of ultra-sonication. The ultrasound-treated enzymatic collagen was identified as collagen-II with higher amino acid contents. The thermal stability gradually increased as the ultra-sonication treatment time increased, the microscopic structure of ultrasound-treated PSC-II indicated the more porous by the mechanical oscillations and cavitation of the ultrasonic waves. Additionally, ultra-sonication treatment significantly improve the physicochemical and functional properties of PSC-II. This study may be beneficial in opening new avenues of upgrading the processing methods of CSC for manufacturing the value-added products. As well as it will contribute to promote the commercialization of ignored sources of chicken-derived collagen. Furthermore, the research is currently underway to investigate the antioxidant properties and its application.


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本研究由中阿合作项目“蛋白质资源分步加工与高效利用”资助(项目编号 NO. KY201802008),中国科学技术部。


The research was financially supported by the China-Argentina Cooperation Project “Protein resources step processing and high-efficiency utilization” (Project No. KY201802008), the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.




该文第一作者Ayesha Noreen Akram是我院巴基斯坦籍农产品加工利用专业毕业博士生,2017年3月在中国农业科学院研究生院奖学金的资助下加入了张春晖研究员团队,在肉品加工与技术实验室进行科研工作,作为第一作者在高影响力国际期刊Food Chemistry(CAS-Q1, IF=5.399) 和 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry(CAS-Q1, IF=7.279)发表著作2篇。


The first author Ayesha Noreen Akram has obtained GSCAAS scholarship from the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GSCAAS) in March 2017 and joined the Meat Processing and Technology laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Chunhui Zhang. She has published two publications as the first author in the high impact international journals such as Food Chemistry(CAS-Q1, IF=5.399) and Ultrasonics Sonochemistry(CAS-Q1, IF=7.279).


Dr. Akram’s Publication list 


Prof. Chunhui Zhang's homepage



Institute of Food Science and Technology, CAAS 
